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“They Got a Name for Guys Like That” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“They Got a Name for Guys Like That”

April 29, 2011


IN THE the 1931 movie “Bad Girl,” a husband reacts to his wife’s suggestion that she get a job so they can have an apartment of their own. He explodes in anger (go to minute 09:09). “My idea of a husband is a guy that looks after a wife and takes care of her… If I can’t do that, I won’t be a husband.”

Also, here’s research that shows that a wife’s employment has negative effects on men, more so than on women. According to the abstract: “Husbands of working wives felt less adequate as family breadwinners than did husbands of housewives, and this appeared to account for their lower levels of job and life satisfaction. Findings suggest that the occupational domain is particularly important to understanding the negative relations between wives’ employment and husbands’ job and life satisfaction.”

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