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Unintentionally Naked « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Unintentionally Naked

April 11, 2011


THERE is a thin line between the state of dress and the state of undress, as this New York Daily News slide show of celebrities in short skirts and low-cut gowns demonstrates. People argue that today’s clothes are more comfortable than the less revealing clothes of the past. Are they?

                                                             — Comments —

Brittany writes:

That first photo in the slideshow is a key reason why I do not wear shorter skirts. It is hard not show anything between the wind blowing, getting out of a vehicle, and sitting. Many women who wore the styles of the 1960s can attest that sitting in a mini skirt was an art especially since panty girdles were still mandatory. This woman is too old to let something like that happen especially on television. 

Some people who perform reenactments are surprised that clothing of the 19th century is fairly comfortable even with the corset. I heard that the Victorians wore natural fibers so the heat wasn’t murder to them. I can’t imagine that but apparently it’s true. Also I cannot imagine wearing those massive nylon petticoats of the 1950s during the summer.

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