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When Even Diapers Show « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Even Diapers Show

April 12, 2011


KAREN I. writes:

The adults shown in the pictures in your post may be “unintentionally naked” but they should have had a clue that their outfits could cause them to be exposed. The truly “unintentionally naked” are little girls whose mothers dress them in the revealing trash that is for sale in most popular stores these days. 

Most of the clothes for little girls is awful, and it starts with babies. To illustrate my point, I am sending a picture of one of Old Navy’s current offerings for infants, which is a ruffled polka dot bikini. I have seen babies in these things at the beach and it is sad. Not only is way too much of their delicate skin exposed, their little bellies stick out and their diapers show.


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