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A Young Woman Who Has Everything « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Young Woman Who Has Everything

May 29, 2011



Here is a composition by one of my students, a 19-year-old Japanese girl. I think it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read, and I offer it here without comment, since it speaks for itself:

My future dream is to be a mother. Since I was a little girl, I have been dreaming of becoming one. I would like to have a husband who likes children, and someone who would take care of the children with me. I wouldn’t want someone who is aggressive or violent. I want my children to be honest, active, and loving. I want to raise them with lots and lots of love. I want to take them to zoos and amusement parks. From my experience I would love to take my children to my parents’ house. I remember from my childhood that visiting my grandparents was fun. I like the road to my grandparents’ house, and I also liked staying the night at their house. My mother’s parents are living with my cousin’s family, so it is a big family. I think they would have a nice time at my parents’ house, like I used to because my parents are fun people. My father loves telling jokes, and playing sports. I bet he would try to teach them golfing because he loves golfing. My mother is very nice and loving. She cooks very well, and she also bakes. Her cheesecakes are the best. There are so many things I want to teach my future children. I cannot wait to have my own.

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