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Advocating a Government Shutdown « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Advocating a Government Shutdown

May 23, 2011


THE reader Paul C. sent a letter, excerpted below, to Senator David Vitter of Louisiana.

Dear Senator Vitter:

It is displeasing to say I can no longer turn out for Republican politicians. Republicans are toe-in-the-water conservatives. At the first sign of criticism from the liberal Media and Republican constituents, they run for the lily-white hills behind the liberals who have been leading the run since the 1960s. See New Hampshire. If Republicans cannot see that we are in a desperate struggle with Hispanic and other non-European and non-Asian immigration to save our traditions, culture, race, language, and country, then we are going to lose all of them for all time.

I have never had to ask you, because of God’s grace, to do anything for me personally. And I am not asking now. I am informing you about the thoughts of many people.

My unimportance though does not mean I am uninterested. You and your fellow Republicans have Thor’s hammer (the mythological protector of mankind) in your hands to start a nonviolent revolution: shutting down the government. The Democratic base, those that are in the class of 45% of Americans that pay no federal income taxes, will be the most affected and the most willing to cave in to immigration reform in exchange for their continued free ride. Once our borders are secure, we can get back to setting the economy in order, precisely as did our Founding Fathers by going into onerous debt. Newt won a huge battle in 1994 but caved in to Clinton during the shutdown. A financial shutdown opportunity must not be missed again.

Unless our borders are secure, our financial well-being is only temporary.

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