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An Accepting Family « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Accepting Family

May 16, 2011


ERIC writes, in response to the entry “When a Daughter is a Lesbian:”

I had a grade school chum once who grew up into a homosexual man after I had moved away and dropped out of touch. I returned to my boyhood town and inquired about him. Not only had he grown up homosexual, he was frequently in trouble with the law (petty theft). However, his family accepted his homosexuality and his partner as they thought they must. He died in his early 30’s of an overdose of a drug his partner gave him to relax his anal sphincter to make their sex act more pleasurable.

Under their standing agreement, the partner was included in family events. Including funerals. He showed up.

Sometimes acceptance is more awkward than exclusion.

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