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Imagine This “Family” 15 Years From Now « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Imagine This “Family” 15 Years From Now

May 6, 2011





                                                                              — Comments —

Buck O. writes:

Criminal. How can it not be an emotional train wreck – if it lasts that long? 

On a long drive with my son’s mother, well prior to our divorce 12 years ago, gay men adopting came up – something on the radio. I was instinctively against it without needing to think about it. She was all for it – saw no reason to be against two loving people, with good intentions, taking care of an unwanted child, gay or not. 

Our son was strapped in his car seat.

I said to her – think about this: We’re killed in a crash on this trip. Our son is unhurt, but is now without family. Two men apply to adopt him, and they do. Picture our young son looking up at the two men who hug, kiss, bathe and dress him, who are in the kitchen cooking his dinner. They’re affectionate with each other, hugging and kissing. Our son is four years old. Forget what he might see in their bedroom. Picture him in this environment for the rest of his childhood. 

She went silent for a while. It had never occured to her – what would happen to a young child, until see pictured that child as her own. 

Add the interracial element and it’s criminal.

Laura writes:

It should be criminal. [See my clarification of this point below.]

Do you think a black 16-year-old boy is going to be seen in public with his two white homosexual fathers? 

Eric writes:

I call this a pseudo-family.

Laura writes:

I am confident there will never be a time in this boy’s adulthood when he will introduce these men as his “family,” or even as his pseudo-family. He may become homosexual himself, easing the conflict these men have imposed on him, but even so I can’t imagine they will be having Christmas dinner together. They should enjoy their power over him while they can. Someday the tables will turn. He’s a human being, not a teddy bear.

Liberals despise children. They really do.

Alex writes:

This child has been adopted by his ‘two fathers’. Why haven’t the very careful inquiries usually made (by social service agencies) into prospective parents’ suitability produced a rejection on the common sense grounds that by releasing this boy into the custody of  homosexuals, there is a strong chance that he will be initiated into a life of sexual perversion?

Laura writes:

Judging from the story in HuffPost Chicago, this couple is from Illinois, where homosexuals in civil unions are entitled to adopt and agencies are obliged to consider them. Catholic Charities is refusing to comply.

Andy K. writes:

Given how modern liberalism makes yesterday’s absurdity become today’s reality, and today’s absurdity become tomorrow’s reality, I really don’t want to imagine that family, or any others like it, 15 years from now. It really is too much.

Do liberals really expect everyone to celebrate diversity such as this? I don’t want to even tolerate this, let alone celebrate it.

Laura writes:

This boy was probably in foster care and from a non-functioning home. Liberals would say, well, isn’t this great? This child had no one and would have lived in poverty. Now, not only does he have one father, he has two, as if living in poverty or foster homes is worse than profound sexual and racial confusion.

If the boy were to grow up in foster homes, there would be no pretense that he was living in a normal family. His situation would be acknowledged as abnormal. He probably would be with other black children and adults. But with an adoption like this there is a pretense that he has been given a family. He is being used, and obviously he will know that someday.

[Comments added on May 11, 2011 begin here.]

Janet writes:

I recently read the above article on your blog and was wondering if you would please elaborate further on the following quote….

Add the interracial element and it’s criminal.

Laura writes:

That was a quote from the reader Buck O. 

I responded, “It should be criminal.” By that, I meant the whole thing, not simply interracial adoption. 

Interracial adoption should not be illegal, though it can add to some identity confusion to a child’s upbringing. That may be worth it if a racially-compatible home for a child cannot be found. 

But when you add the identity confusion caused by being raised by homosexual fathers to the confusion that might result from being raised in a home and neighborhood that are a different race, that is so wrong it should be illegal.





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