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Lashing the Sea, Burning Tea « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Lashing the Sea, Burning Tea

May 9, 2011



Today’s spoiled feminists, who try to change the things that just “are,” remind me of the Persian ruler Xerxes I, who ordered the waters of the Hellespont lashed after his bridges across the strait were destroyed by storms. I thought you might enjoy this post on him.

Also, in case you have not seen this photograph, it is the tea house at Kew Gardens in England, destroyed by suffragettes in 1913. What did the tea houses ever do to them to deserve being burned down?



Laura writes:

Many people are unaware of the vandalism, assaults and hunger strikes of the suffragettes.  Here is a synopsis of some of their more destructive acts in Britain. 


                                                    — Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Would anyone here get upset if women were to lose the right to vote? I sure wouldn’t. I proudly own up to spoiling my ballot over the past few elections. Women nearly always vote for negative forms of government intervention. They see governments as daddy substitutes or something.
Laura writes:
Households should vote as a single unit, to represent their joint interests. It is best for practical and symbolic reasons if the vote is cast by male heads of households. Not everyone can cast a vote in the House of Representatives or in the Senate. Does not having the right to vote in the Senate mean one is less than human? No. One central idea behind representative democracy is that some cast votes on behalf of others. There are various ways of influencing the vote short of casting a vote.
All this was lost on the suffragettes. For them, I vote therefore I am. The human being was political to the core.
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