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On Short Skirts, and the Desire to Have It All « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On Short Skirts, and the Desire to Have It All

May 17, 2011


AT her blog Camera Lucida, Kidist Paulos Asrat reflects on slut walks, “sex positive feminism” and the trend of very short, itsy-bitsy skirts for women, which make it impossible to sit down without exposing oneself. She writes:

One thing I’ve noticed here is that young women are wearing extremely short skirts, and now in spring, they’re donning very short cut-out shorts, often (as though this will help) with dark tights. These skirts are dark, dreary, and ugly. At least the sixties brought color and pizazz with mini-skirt fashion.

My assessment of this depressingly ugly trend (many of the girls are over-weight, so we are forced to look at bulging body parts as well) is that it’s that schizophrenic attempt at reconciling femininity with autonomy: I will dress how I want, but I will also look like a girl. It is the “sex positive” (to use [Mark] Richardson’s coinage) compensation of reconciling femininity with autonomy. But all they end up looking like is prostitutes, which is the last thing – consciously, at least – they’re after.


                                             — Comments —

A reader writes:

Miss Asrat writes:

But all they end up looking like is prostitutes, which is the last thing – consciously, at least – they’re after. 

I don’t understand why she thinks that is the last thing they’re after, since they are deliberately dressing as sluts, and sluts have been called unpaid prostitutes.

Laura writes:

She’s not referring to the women in the slut walks, but even so women who dress in itsy-bitsy skirts seem to be consciously advertising availability. 

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