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The Reverend Gypsy Rose Lee « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Reverend Gypsy Rose Lee

May 17, 2011



THE WEBSITE Bad Vestments recently featured this photo of an Episcopal canon on Easter at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Memphis. A female commenter at Bad Vestments wrote:

The feather boa, once a symbol of seduction and worn by women with loose morals, perfectly symbolizes the current state of affairs in the Episcopal Church and should be the required stole for officiating at same-sex (and third, fourth time around) couple blessings….

… Feathers also being light and airy, express the air-head, breezy, flighty attitudes of TEC toward things rational, theological and Scriptural.

Another commenter wrote:

So, does the boa go with liturgical pole dancing? ….

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