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These Title IX Times « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

These Title IX Times

May 2, 2011


AMERICAN university women have often displayed an intolerance of injustice, joining in activist organizations to oppose mistreatment of the marginal and oppressed. Given this history, when will university women rise up as one against the injustice of Title IX, the federal mandate that colleges and universities make athletic teams proportionally representative along sex lines?

The University of Delaware is the latest institution to announce cuts in men’s teams to comply with Title IX. It cannot afford to add the new women’s teams necessary to make the numbers work.  Delaware is ending its men’s varsity track team altogether. Some men at the school have filed suit, alleging discrimination. The problem with claims of reverse discrimination, which have not been successful in the past, is that they still uphold the idea of equal representation. In reality, men should receive more  athletic opportunities in college because men are different from women. Men are more athletic and more interested in athletics.

The solution to this problem is not more discrimination suits.

The solution is for American women to use their voice, to rise up as one and decry the injustice. America’s intelligent and educated women have often looked out for others, not for themselves. Let this noble tradition return.



                                                                           — Comments —

Buck O. writes:

Another aspect to Title IX.

 Title IX effects more than athletics. My son graduates in a couple of weeks from a local university. He has been performing in a terrific a cappella group with 12 others guys. Title IX requires that they be coed. This lead to two groups, one all male and the other all female. They always perform at each campus show – the female group first, then the male. Female a cappella doesn’t work well. They have talent, but, they don’t have the physicality and can not project in performance, like the men can. That’s just a fact. Everyone who has attended the dozens of shows over the last four years knows this, and accepts it without rancor. 

The men draw the attendance – $7 a ticket. The men are hired to perform off campus at weddings, private parties, etc. The women are rarely hired, and they do not perform with the men when the men perform for hire, off campus. Yet, under Title IX, the a cappella “group,” which is both the men and the women, must share a checking account, and share in all proceeds 50 – 50. 

It’s not hard to understand why the guys resent this and do not have a wonderful relationship with the gals. What life lesson is Title IX teaching each of them?

Laura writes:

I did not realize Title IX applied to other activities as well. What an outrage. The girls should reject this outright. Who wants to be the beneficiary of this phony favoritism? I propose the formation of a national women’s organization: College Women against Title IX.

Roger G. writes:

As an authority on actually playing organized athletics, I tell you all, no offense, that Title IX is a red herring. The sex issue regardless, it is ridiculous and destructive for colleges and schools to be paying children to play games, and it is ridiculous and destructive for colleges and schools to be fielding representative teams against one another (except for those institutions so small that they only have enough students to field a single team in the sport at issue). Like English lit. and calculus, sports should be for everyone who wants to do them – not just a select elite, with everyone else cut from the team or on warming the bench. Those of you who want to watch sports can pay bona fides professionals to play for you. The adults who run kids’ sports to gratify their own egos can….

The only organization I’m aware of that completely shares my philosophy, and acts on it, is the Fairfax County (Va.) Youth Football League. They provide for every kid who want to play, put only about 16-18 players on a team, and require that each be played full time either offense or defense.

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