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A Dystopian Preschool « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Dystopian Preschool

June 26, 2011


SEBASTIAN C. writes:

There was a Simpson’s episode that featured Lisa, the idealistic daughter, creating an imaginary world named “Equalia,” where everyone was equal except for her and her friend (the place needed some rulers, after all.) Here we have a nursery school in Sweden named “Egalia” where children are trained to be philosophically homosexual. The teachers do not use the standard pronouns of “him” and “her” and refrain from calling the children “boys” and “girls.” 

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to write satire!

Choice quote:

Nearly all the children’s books deal with homosexual couples, single parents or adopted children. There are no “Snow White,” “Cinderella” or other classic fairy tales seen as cementing stereotypes.


                                        — Comments —

James N. writes:

This is not a new idea. Thirty years (and another life) ago, I sent my firstborn, a boy, to a “gender-free” preschool. One of the ‘gender-free” features was that the boys and the girls took turns arranging the daily snack and serving each other, nutritious and sugar-free, of course.

I went there one day, the reason now long forgotten. What I saw when I arrived, however, has stayed with me – is “seared in my memory”, as non-president Kerry would put it. The girls had appropriated the pitcher and cups, and were in the corner having a proper tea party. The boys had taken all the bananas, and were chasing each other around the room, “bang, bang” using the bananas as guns.

Now, you have to understand that these children had been propagandized since birth. No violent TV, trucks for the girls (that sat unused, unless a doll could ride in one), no soldiers or guns for the boys. And they were only two, some of them.

I walked out of the preschool on my way to a new understanding.

Laura writes:

I have never met a nursery school or kindergarten teacher – and I have met quite a few of them – who did not have a profound appreciation for sex differences. It’s the inescapable reality they live with every day.  No one should be a “gender studies” professor until he has first been a kindergarten teacher.

These teachers at the Swedish school Egalia are either humoring the parents or just indulging in a little branding.

Laura writes:

I wrote,

No one should be a “gender studies” professor until he has first been a kindergarten teacher.

But the world does not need either. Kindergarten and “preschool” children do not need to be in school at all. In fact, it is far better if young children play at home and in their neighborhood than attend nursery schools and kindergarten.


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