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Breast-Feeding Cops in the Brave New City « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Breast-Feeding Cops in the Brave New City

June 27, 2011


JAMES P. writes:

One might imagine that nursing mothers have no business in law enforcement, but no, according to The Washington Examiner, there are enough of them that the Washington D.C. police department has a “Lactation Accomodation Policy.” The officers were until recently permitted to do office work during their months nursing, but now they have been ordered by Chief Cathy Lanier to return to the streets to actually do their job. They are, however, offered the use of specially installed “lactation rooms.”

The police union wants the nursing cops to continue to be exempt from street duty. Needless to say, this means that male and non-lactating female officers on the street have to pick up the slack of the lactating mothers doing office work. Meanwhile, the lactating officers complain not that being on the street endangers the life of a nursing mother, but that body armor chafes their breasts and inhibits milk production, and that they have no immediate access to lactation rooms while on street duty.

Like the British doctor at the end of Bridge Over the River Kwai, I can only shake my head incredulously and mutter, “Madness! … Madness!”


                                        — End of Initial Entry —

Laura writes:

Reading between the lines here, it appears that some of the purportedly nursing mothers were not really concerned about pumping milk, but about getting off the streets. (I’d want to get off the streets if I were a female D.C. cop too, but then why would any woman be a cop in D.C.?) I imagine that many of the female police officers in Washington, D.C. are black. I don’t know this for certain, but I would expect that it is true. Breast-feeding is rare among American blacks. 


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