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Excommunicate Cuomo « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Excommunicate Cuomo

June 27, 2011



WILL New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, pictured here at yesterday’s Gay Pride parade in New York, be allowed to continue to participate in the sacred rites of Catholicism? He is divorced. He lives with his girlfriend. And, now he has signed into law one of the most anti-Catholic, anti-child, anti-life measures in the history of America, the bill to legalize same-sex “marriage.” As the Church struggles with its administrative mishandling of pedophilia cases, a politician who attends Mass and has the effrontery to call himself Catholic makes it easier for homosexual men to adopt and raise young boys. The issue of whether Mr. Cuomo should receive Holy Communion was a matter of considerable debate several months ago. Now his status is much more serious. The New York governor should be excommunicated forthwith and denied the sacraments and a Catholic burial. If Cuomo does not qualify for the forfeiture of his spiritual privileges, who does?


                                                 — Comments —

Alissa writes:

The rainbow is a sign of many things but it should not be a symbol for perversion.

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