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Michelle’s Boy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Michelle’s Boy

June 20, 2011


At Truth Shall Set You Free, Justin writes:

Others in the Mensphere have long noticed signs that Obama does not wear the pants in his own family. His latest comments add more direct confirmation of the fact that he is the family Beta all the way.

 Quoting from a Yahoo article

When asked if he’s thought about adding a son to his brood, which includes two daughters–Malia, 12 and Sasha, 10–with wife Michelle, the president quipped that it’s not really his call to make. “You know, you act as if this is a decision of mine. This really isn’t,” Obama told co-anchor Robin Roberts. “As Michelle points out, I did not carry 10 pounds in my belly. I think what Michelle’s general view is, we’re done.” 

B.O. doesn’t even have the vaguest pretence of an equal marriage. Clearly, he has fully internalized the idea that reproduction is a solely female prerogative.

Weird, just weird, for a man to be so submissive. To not even claim that “We” decided not to have more kids, but to just lay the whole thing down at his wife’s feet. Sickening, really.
It is also sickening that a president would talk about such a thing publicly as if he is just another guest on Oprah.


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