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Obama’s Homosexual Youth Summit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama’s Homosexual Youth Summit

June 10, 2011


THE U.S. Department of Education, as part of the Obama administration’s active outreach to homosexual teens, held its first ever Federal LGBT Youth Summit earlier this week. The event in Washington on Monday and Tuesday was closed to reporters. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the students, “It’s great to see such a big crowd for this important event.”  She congratulated homosexual teens and vowed to “really tackle” the issues important to them. Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced on the occasion of the summit that he was sending a letter to all school districts informing them of the laws and regulations that make it necessary for them to form clubs for LGBT’s, or lesbians, gays, the bisexual, and transgendered. 

Sebelius made this astounding statement at the event:

A study our department is releasing today found heightened levels of “unhealthy risk behaviors” like tobacco use, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior in LGBT youth. But we know that these behaviors are not a result of who these young people are, they are a result of the discrimination, bullying, violence and poor relationships at home they can experience in their day to day lives. That’s a tragedy. And that’s why we need to continue to build support for LGBT youth and create the protective environments needed to reduce these behaviors.

CNS News reports another ground-breaking development at the summit. David Hansell, head of the Administration for Children and Families, told the assmebled students that the Obama administration is recruiting “LGBT parents” to adopt children. He said:

So LGBT individuals and families often contact us about adopting or fostering kids through a program that we run called Adopt Us Kids, which is aimed at finding adoptive homes for hard to place childrenl. We are particularly interested in encouraging the involvement of LGBT parents. In fact, we need their involvement because right now there are 115,000 children in foster care ready and waiting to find permanent homes.


                                       — Comments —

Jane writes:

Thank-you for shedding light on this event for your readers. As you know June is “Gay Pride Month.” Hence the LGBT summit this week. Also this week in honor of “Gay Pride Month” the Federal Reserve Bank of VA is flying the rainbow flag. I have said before and will say again; no movements ever come to fruition without receiving funds covertly. I think the bank flying the rainbow flag is symbolic proof of my premise.

Michael S. writes:

Jane writes:

As you know June is “Gay Pride Month.”

Well, I didn’t know that, and wish that Jane hadn’t burdened me with this sordid knowledge. I prefer to think of June as the month of graduations, the beginning of summer, Die Meistersinger, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Jane writes:

Michael S., you shot the messenger!

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