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Race and the Middle Ground « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Race and the Middle Ground

June 26, 2011


GERRY T. NEAL writes:

In the interesting thread on the subject of “Does Race Have Meaning?,” the commenter Georgia made the remark, “Humans are tribal, not racial.” If by this she means that human beings primarily identify with the smaller groups like tribes and nations than with the larger groups we call races today, she is correct. “Tribal” and “racial” are not mutually exclusive terms however. We do not normally think of a tribe as being a multi-racial entity. 

I applaud your remark: The statement, ”race means something,” is not, ”race means everything.” If only more people realized that a happy medium is to be preferred to the extremes of “race means nothing” and “race means everything”. 

The significance of race and the mischief that ensues when it is denied is a topic I have addressed at length in this essay.



                                                     — Comments —

John writes:

Gerry Neal’s essay is most excellent and insightful. White people should have some options besides hating themselves, or hating others. Neal mentions the liberal view that any pro-white thinking is morally suspect because of Hitler and his belief in racial differences. Such a a belief in any form, they assure us, will lead directly to mass murder.

So why is it that their belief in human equality is not also suspect? After all, from the French Revolution to the Killing Fields of Cambodia more human beings have died in the name of equality than for any other cause. They obsess about Hitler and ignore Stalin.

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