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The “Have-it-All” Liberal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The “Have-it-All” Liberal

June 17, 2011



Here again is Susan Burden’s letter to the Times which you quoted:

Female doctors continue to face several hurdles: unequal pay, sexist attitudes from colleagues and most devastatingly from patients, and a ruthless biological clock [emphasis added] that makes childbearing a high priority at a time when doctors are just starting their careers. It is the current system that is broken, and intelligent women should be free to make independent choices for their own well-being.

So, along with the standard oppressions of women that feminists complain about, “unequal pay, sexist attitudes,” there is also that “ruthless biological clock.” That women’s natural child bearing years are limited is not just a normal fact of life; it is something that is being cruelly imposed on women. 

Older liberals, following Rousseau, believed that nature made us equal, but society makes us unequal. In the minds of today’s liberals, nature itself is a force of oppression. 

Since nature, now that it is as mean-spirited and oppressive as human institutions, can no longer be appealed to the source and standard of equality, it follows that the only way to achieve equality is through the pure assertion of human will. Which explains why liberals and feminists will resist the lesson that the medical profession has been degraded by the large scale entry of women. Instead, they will insist that human will, in the form of state and bureaucratic control, can overcome these problems, and that women, and the medical profession, can “have it all.”

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