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The New New York « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The New New York

June 26, 2011


DIANA writes:

On 79th Street in New York City today, I saw a cute little blond boy of about three wearing what I thought was a Superman cape. Not so. It was a nylon “rainbow flag” pinned to his small shoulders. He was with two 50ish white men, I guess his “dads.” I immediately thought of the Soviet Union, with its hordes of brainwashed kids. It lasted a fairly long time in the lives of men, but it ended. And so will this.

Today, two days after same-sex “marriage was signed into law in New York, the annual “gay pride” parade took place. I make it my business to be nowhere near these inane and vulgar displays of exhibitionism. For the first time since I can remember, several “rainbow flags” were displayed by businesses in my area. Not many, but I’d never seen this before. A harbinger of things to come?

For the next few days I am going to avoid thinking about the SSM (same-sex “marriage”) topic. I am even going to change the home page of my browser, because I have it set up to open to a news aggregator. The passage of SSM was bannered at the top. Against my better judgment, I clicked on the link of this item, which proves that gays don’t care a toss about marriage, it’s the naked exercise of power they are after – and destruction. (Scroll down to the part where homosexuals honestly admit their “ambivalence” about marriage, which they say is intrinsically heterosexual!!)

Saying that homosexual activists are after acceptance is, I think, a total misunderstanding of the agenda. They just want to destroy. The article bears careful reading. It also forced me to read the informative New York Times article about the debacle, which basically supports what I was saying: this was all about money and paybacks on the part of legislators.

This capsule on the Atlantic’s website is more blunt: “Rich Republicans Given Credit for Passing Gay Marriage.” Can there be a more stark admission that the New York State Republican party is worse than useless, and should herewith dissolve?

One of these heavy supporters, Paul Singer, has a gay “married” son. He’s a part of the libertarian wing of the Republican party. Libertarians are more repugnant than the tax-and-spend wing of the Democrat party which, however perverted, has some notion of community and compassion. The “don’t-tread-on-me” libertarian wing of the Republican party has no understanding of what an organic human community stands for.

Diana adds:

I left something important out about the little boy with the “rainbow flag” that I saw on 79th Street. I didn’t realize this until I read my words on your website.

When I looked down and saw the boy, he was unsupervised and seemingly unattached to an adult – parent or caregiver. I didn’t at that point notice that he had anything pinned to his shoulders. I just saw a small child wandering unsupervised on a major city street. Although I assumed there was a parent or nanny nearby, this was disturbing to me. You know the way kids can dart around – and he was darting, with agile quickness, right and left. I’m not fan of anxious helicopter parenting but on 79th street, you should be holding a three-year old’s hand, or at least be close by.

I passed him and was puzzled. I only looked back because I wanted to see who his parents were. At that point I simultaneously noticed the “rainbow flag” and the two 50ish (I assume) gay men I referred to above. He was close enough to them that I assumed they were with him. They weren’t even at that point holding hands.

That’s when I put two and two together. The strangeness and impersonality of the interactions between the rainblow flag toddler and his “parents” cannot be gainsaid. No hand-holding, no affection,
nothing. Two adult males and a tiny male, running around on a major city street.

I continued walking and saw a Chinese couple walking uptown. The father walked ahead, holding his son, who looked over his father’s shoulder at his mother, lovingly and with total trust. At one point the mother reached out and wiped the boy’s mouth. It was an act of great tenderness.

I would be interested to see, in 20 years, whether sons raised by two “dads” have attachment issues.

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