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We Are Daily Beasts « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

We Are Daily Beasts

June 10, 2011



Here’s an article from The Daily Beast in which the author argues that marriage should be redefined to incorporate infidelity. What I don’t understand is how one could incorporate adultery into a marriage and still consider it a marriage. What exactly would couples commit to? Why get married at all? I find troubling the idea that because infidelity happens, we should just accept it. Lots of things happen, and we don’t accept it. The article makes it sound as though fidelity is a rare freakish occurrence, which has not been my experience. It’s as if the author thinks that by accepting adultery she will erase the jealousy, pain, anguish and betrayal naturally resulting from adultery. Of course the ramifications to society of a population filled with open marriages is not seriously considered. The impact on society could be very grave.

Laura writes:

This is the way the liberal press has been operating for sixty years. We are told constantly that the revolution has occurred and there’s no point in resisting. Perversion is normal and widespread so get used to it. Whatever is natural is good.

Notice the indifference to the effects of betrayal on children. Most journalists never were children themselves. They emerged from pods as adults. They have no memory of a stage in life in which trust and love were all-encompassing.


                                                          — Comments —

Randy B. writes:

More from the self-aggrandizing clan. It’s all about ME, and what makes ME feel good on that given day. When all you care about is self, when there is no higher power than self-gratification, then normally controlling/limiting emotions like pain, jealousy, anguish and betrayal do not factor into the ME math. People with consciences do not generally engage in behavior that is destructive, that would cause emotional distress to the ones they love, and or care for. I personally believe this model is made worse by the homosexual and feminist movements, as both only live for the day, and to fulfill the desires of the self. For each of these groups to succeed; God, Religion and morality have to be dissolved, no clear delineation can be drawn between right and wrong (better yet, there is no right and wrong, rather all is allowed), and the rules that created and governed this nation for so long have to be given the boot of historical misconduct. 

Although only 50 I have both been a part of the decline of our youth, and watched its continuance. When I was growing through my teens (73-79), it was the cool and widely accepted thing to say “I’ll never grow up.” It took me well into my 20’s to adopt a mature look at the world and my personal responsibilities. I likewise know several people that are almost 50 that permanently adopted this mindset, although their individual realization has taken different paths. Some get home from work, plop on the couch, and spend the rest of the night smoking dope. Others drink until they can’t stand and drive themselves home. Others are “thrill seekers” who get their fix from “extreme” sports while their husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, and children stay home. 

The problem is the “we’ll never grow up” generation, is as expected, poorly attempting to raise children ourselves. What could possibly go wrong? Game consoles and TV raise our children. They have no rules at home, curfews and bed times are out as restrictive. Our kids spend more time looking at their cell phone then they do at the movie, or while driving. What do we do? Aside from changing our own behaviors as adults, with the rules currently in place, how do we recover from an entire generations neglect of the next? 

When I was a kid the socially retarded youth used to love to tell adults if they did anything to them they would sue them. Now kids don’t say anything, and as an adult you know you are legally constrained from even grabbing a verbally or violent thug. Look at what’s happening with flash mob violence. From the Burger King in Panama City FL, to the East Meadow NY Hospital flash mob fight, our kids, and in many cases our adults are out of control. 

We could easily take care of this whole problem by legislating morality the way of the Kookoo bird.

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