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When Normal is Evil and Evil is Normal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Normal is Evil and Evil is Normal

June 9, 2011


HOUSEWIVES sometimes believe if they are nice and very self-deprecating, the world will approve of them. But even if they are as sweet as candy, they will find some consider them infantile or “desperate” or even outright evil.

An interview with Canadian author Susie Moloney appeared in today’s Winnipeg Free Press. Moloney, who is unknown to me, appears to be an author of shlocky supernatural thrillers. She expresses her views about homemakers in her latest shlocky supernatural thriller. Kevin Prokosh writes:

[A]s a single mother in East Kildonan, home-schooling her youngest son Michael, [Moloney] threw herself into suburban-mom mode and discovered that behind the carefully manicured lawns and sturdy front doors lurked horrors of dysfunction and ennui.

“What I discovered is how complicated women are,” says Moloney. “They are all witches in a way. We fix everything. When we can’t, we fake it.”

She also found they concealed a core of brutality in service of their families.

“The cruelty was directed outside and they were evil because, ultimately, I think all housewives are evil,” she says. “I do think that in order to get the ultimate stay-at-home mom’s life — be slim and attractive, have beautiful kids, a successful husband and a beautiful home — you need witchcraft, especially the thin part.

The Thirteen is an examination of women’s relationships.”

The women in her book do some very terrible things for some very good reasons. One of them, Izzy, she calls the best villain she has ever drawn. When the reader discovers why she is so nasty, Moloney believes they won’t be able to help but respect and feel for her.

Moloney confesses she’s a part of the coven.

If Moloney had said, “All women doctors are evil,” or “All women business executives are evil,” I am certain her words would not have seen the light of day. The author then says something that could have been written by C.S. Lewis’s Screwtape:

“I’m bad because I have a lot of bad thoughts … I allow myself to indulge these bad thoughts because it is research.”


                                                  — Comments —

Karen I. writes:

So, it takes witchcraft to be thin? That sounds a lot easier than the diet I am on. Maybe I will give witchcraft a try.

Lisa writes:

“… you need witchcraft, especially the thin part.”

Well,… that part might almost be true, lol.

Randy B. writes:

The bestselling book of all time says something like: 

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

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