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When the Truth Can’t Be Spoken « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When the Truth Can’t Be Spoken

June 27, 2011


LAWRENCE AUSTER writes about a Philadelphia journalist’s reaction to the flash mob that injured her friends. Unable to address the glaring racial aspect of the attack, the woman is left with platitudes. Auster makes the wry observation:

She wants to crochet [a gift for her hospitalized friend] because as a liberal writer living in liberal society she has nothing to say as a writer, because any true and real statements she might make about the things happening in her world are forbidden.

This is what liberals are reduced to when their liberal world starts to crumble: the F word and crocheting.




                                                            — Comments —

Alex A. writes:

Orwell gets quoted too often perhaps, but the double-talk and double-think of the liberal Philadelphia journalist whose friends were injured by a black mob inevitably brings up:

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”


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