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A Pledge to Welcome Muslims « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Pledge to Welcome Muslims

July 6, 2011


I WAS unfamiliar with the “My Fellow American” campaign until today. A spokeswoman named Elizabeth Potter politely urged me to ask my readers to take the pledge. Here it is:

Muslims are our fellow Americans. They are part of the national fabric that holds our country together. They contribute to America in many ways, and deserve the same respect as any of us. I pledge to spread this message, and affirm our country’s principles of liberty and justice for all.

The campaign’s website features a short film of friendly American Muslims working as nurse, police detective, taxi driver and medical researcher. Anti-Islam rants are played in the background. The portrayal conveys something true: Many Muslims are decent, hard-working people. Many Communists were decent, hard-working people too. Islam is both a faith and a political ideology.

There is no need to bear ill will toward Muslims. But Americans have no moral obligation to accept them as fellow citizens. Let Muslims practice their faith and ideology in their home countries. Pledge to contain Islam to the Islamic world. That pledge is tantamount to taking Muslim beliefs seriously, which is the ultimate form of respect.


                                               — Comments —

Brenda writes:

The speech of Mr. Auster’s you linked, “A Real Islam Policy for a Real America,” should be required reading for every American. We’ve been conditioned for many decades now to believe “I’m okay, you’re okay” and the results are disastrous. Mr. Auster, through his clear and easily understandable manner of writing, lays before us what must be done if we are to survive as a nation, as a culture. 

Thank you for posting this link!

John McNeill writes:

Elizabeth Potter,

As a reader of The Thinking Housewife, I both decline and refuse to take your pledge. While I bear no ill will towards Muslims, and accept they are fellow citizens of this political entity called the United States, they are not, nor ever will be, a part of my nation. American whites are my people, and I refuse to embrace this global melting pot that many civic nationalists think is “patriotic.”

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