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Anti-Chivalry and the Republican Party « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anti-Chivalry and the Republican Party

July 14, 2011


JOSH F. writes:

I sense something very insidious in the elevation of women such as Bachmann and Palin, especially when one considers their political male  peers on the “right.” Add to this mix, the Coulter’s and Malkin’s and it’s as if the women are the real bull dogs defending and defining the Republican Party, i.e., the “right.” It is a precarious time to be a politician and when we look at their Republican male peers in the bureaucracy and the media, one can’t help get the feeling that these women are being allowed to be the first ones to go down in the coming political calamity. Call it anti-chivalry. Radical autonomy is deep inside the “right” also.And yet, the question arises as to whether stronger men on the “right” should even attempt to work within the Leviathan in order to chop it down. It will, over time, destroy them. In fact, the elevation of “women” to the most prominent positions on the “right” suggests my very point. The reality is that there are no real men of the “right” at the national level inside this radically liberal bureaucracy. All are compromised. All are not just allowing unfettered female promiscuity, abortion, divorce and females in the military, but all are willfully accepting subordination so that our women on the “right” can storm the beaches and be the first ones to the slaughter. The triumph of a collectivist ideology that elevates the individual is nothing more than the law of the jungle. The Bachmann’s and Palin’s are America’s human shields.

Laura writes:

Similar thoughts occurred to me the other day when I read of Michele Bachmann’s encounter with opponents in a restroom in Minnesota in 2005. According to police reports, she was cornered by two supporters of same-sex marriage, including a nun, and they blocked her from leaving the ladies room. She reportedly called out ‘Help me! Someone get me out of here! You’re holding me against my will!’

Whether this was an overreaction or not, she must face very serious hostility on this issue alone. She’s a mother of five children. A recent issue of Newsmax refers to Bachmann as “Heartland Warrior.” I don’t understand the thinking of supposedly conservative men who are delighted to see a woman and mother of five children take on this heavy responsibility at a time of heightened political tension. It’s a dangerous job, and because she is a woman, some people will hate her even more than a male candidate who holds the same views.


                                                  — Comments —

Alissa writes:

You are on the mark, Josh F., with your assessment. There is something quite insidous about their “elevation” and the obsession concerning them. I went to a couple of left-wing websites and right-liberal forums and I started to feel ill and acquire headaches because of their non-ceasing talk about Palin, Bristol, Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and whatnot (but then again I tend to feel an unpleasant atmosphere whenever I embark on a liberal website or blog for too long).

Many on the left are doing a twisted game (intentionally or unintentionally) where they call and frame liberal “conservatives” far-right and therefore anything beyond a liberal “conservative” is beyond the pale and ultra extremist since Tea Partiers are the most radical form of extremism. This would be called “undermining genuine conservatism from within” and if a libertarian like Palin is a “radical conservative” then what does that make us? We aren’t even on the radar and our places are being taken down beneath us under “double-sword” tactics (conservatism turns into liberalism and becomes pseudo-“conservatism” while still being attacked as far-right and therefore radically conservative). 

As Lawrence Auster has said:

 The left psychologically needs a conservative enemy who threatens to defeat liberalism. The right psychologically needs a conservative champion who promises to defeat liberalism. In reality, no such conservative leader exists today; in reality, there is nothing on the scene today that poses an immediate threat to the reign of liberalism. But both sides, for their own internal reasons, need to believe that the reign of liberalism is threatened, and so they believe it.

Jeff W. writes:

I believe that the media is purposefully restraining themselves from attacking Michele Bachmann because she is their preferred Republican nominee. They believe she will be the easiest candidate to defeat. If she does win the nomination, they will then turn on her with stored-up vengeance, using every tool of character assassination that they have. They will constantly attack her as being inexperienced, stupid, crazy, and a hypocrite. The leftist media is very good at character assassination, and they are confident that they can destroy Michele Bachmann.

To stand up against this onslaught, a Republican presidential nominee needs a record as a successful executive. When he ran for president, Reagan had been governor of California. George W. Bush had been governor of Texas. Character assassination does not work nearly as well against a proven executive with a record of accomplishments.

On another topic, Alissa is right to cite Lawrence Auster about today’s unchallenged reign of liberalism. Conservatives have absolutely no way to defeat an ideology that controls the government, the schools, the media, and the major churches. Liberalism cannot be stopped until it runs out of money. Fortunately or unfortunately, the day is rapidly approaching when government will bankrupt itself and liberalism will be de-funded. Without money to redistribute and to spend on liberal projects, liberalism loses its reason to exist. As we look at Greece, we see our future. How much liberalism will Greece now be able to afford?

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