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Breivik’s Religion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Breivik’s Religion

July 25, 2011


NO ONE who committs mass murder of innocents could reasonably be called a Christian. Yet the press has widely reported that Anders Breivik is Christian or a Christian “fundamentalist.”

Breivik himself denied it in his manifesto. Lawrence Auster writes, “Breivik makes it clear that he is what is known as a ‘cultural Christian.’ This is a very common stance today among conservative-leaning Europeans. Cultural Christians value and want to preserve certain aspects of Europe’s historic Christian culture, even as they plainly admit that that they are NOT believers in God, NOT believers in Christ, and NOT Christians. Which means that it is a gargantuan lie for the media to describe Breivik as a Christian, let alone as a fundamentalist Christian.”


                                                          — Comments —

Stewart Griffin writes:

Mr. Auster writes: “This is a very common stance today among conservative-leaning Europeans.” Indeed, even Richard Dawkins, no conservative, has declared himself a cultural Christian.

Laura writes:

Then the press should start referring to Dawkins as a “Christian fundamentalist” too.

Fred Owens writes:

Cultural Christian is a good and accurate term for some people. Another term I have used is “of Christian heritage.” Basically, these are people who enjoy the fact that Sunday is still a day of rest, but lack any expression of gratitude toward those whose active Christianity keeps it that way.

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