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Every Little Girl Loves a Wedding « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Every Little Girl Loves a Wedding

July 26, 2011



Mayor Bloomberg officiates at the "wedding" of two aides on Sunday

HERE are Mayor Bloomberg’s remarks at the “wedding” of two aides on Sunday. Looking at this scene, one wonders how male friendship, let alone real marriage, can flourish in the modern world. How can men fight side by side and love each other on the battlefield of life when there is the possibility that one might stop and ask the other to marry?

The two little girls in their party dresses are a necessary addition to the scene. Without them, with just three men in suits standing at a podium, one would see even more clearly how absurd and unappealing, how dryly procedural, a wedding without a woman is.


                                                                        — Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

At first when I read the report, I thought the mayor really did marry the couple. That would be a true break with tradition, wouldnt it? These people think they are creating new paths, but what is two, in a marriage? If they really want to buck the system, why not make it three?

Laura writes:

An op-ed piece in The New York Times last week argued for legalization of polygamy. Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, wrote:

While widely disliked, if not despised, polygamy is just one form among the many types of plural relationships in our society. It is widely accepted that a person can have multiple partners and have children with such partners. But the minute that person expresses a spiritual commitment and “cohabits” with those partners, it is considered a crime.

Everything said about love in Mayor Bloomberg’s speech at this wedding would apply to the affections among three or four or five people.

Lydia adds: 

Do you think diet might have an effect on the way people look? Those two men look alike, which is curious. Maybe they are eating too much pizza, New York style.

Laura writes:

Bureaucrats consume vast quantities of pizza.

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