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GOP Women and the Rhetoric of Selfishness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

GOP Women and the Rhetoric of Selfishness

July 20, 2011


IN THIS AD, Republican women in the House of Representatives show off how pro-woman they are, as if we needed to know. They give the impression that the universe is female and never mention that jobs and businesses for men should be a far greater priority than jobs and businesses for women.

Can women in a modern democracy move beyond the politics of narcissism?


                                                    — Comments —

Fitzgerald writes:

This reminds me of the Loyalists during the American Revolutionary war fighting on the side of the British. They felt they had to constantly prove their fealty to the throne through extreme measures. Seems the Republican women must do the same to prove their loyalty to the cause of feminism. They won’t admit it often or even understand it per se as such, but they are feminists and it’s there where their truly loyalities lie.

Alissa writes:

Can women in a modern democracy move beyond the politics of narcissism?

Democracy itself is narcissist and modern philosophy anti-transcendental so that would tough. When it comes to the GOP it’s a case of libertarianism and neo-conservatism combined.

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