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The Unraveling of the Case Against DSK « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Unraveling of the Case Against DSK

July 3, 2011


I HAVE been away from my computer for two days, celebrating my son’s graduation from high school. At VFR, there are many entries on the latest developments in the case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, which appears to involve stunning prosecutorial ineptitude and prejudice. The credibility of the victim, a black African maid, appears to have been only superficially investigated before Strauss-Kahn was indicted, suggesting an overeagerness to  believe her and to accuse a famous man. The latest entry can be found here.

At Galliwatch, a blog devoted to current events in France, Tiberge writes of the new revelations:

However, the real question now is: [if the charges are false] will we prosecute Nafissatou Diallo for perjury before the grand jury? Will it now be the people against Nafissatou Diallo? And will Strauss-Kahn be seen for what he appears now to be – a sordid deal-maker for sexual favors from an illegal immigrant?

The worst thing that could happen is that we are lenient towards her, caving in to the demands of immigrationists and various black and feminist lobbies. She should be immediately deported, once she has paid for her crime of perjury. If we give her her just desserts, then the American system of justice will have functioned perfectly.

And the worst thing that could happen to France is that he becomes a candidate for the presidency.

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