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A Practical Apron « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Practical Apron

August 3, 2011



Your recent commentary on feminine practical clothing got me going. I think that I recall you saying that you didn’t have enough aprons. I found this, and it seems that it would really do the job. With this style of apron you don’t need more than one. In any case, I’d prefer this in a patterned cloth, but that’s just me. The manufacturer says they have a wide variety of colours and patterns, etc. I am going to order one, the main reason being the roomy pockets. Good for clothes pins.

Only in America. And it’s dying.

Laura writes:

That’s not the most beautiful apron I’ve seen, but I do like the style because unlike most aprons in the stores it has a decent bib. Since the laws of physics do not apply in my kitchen, and I get splattered just standing there and minding my own business, I could use an apron like that.



                                            — Comments —

Nathan writes:

Allow me to go slightly off-topic. Often I hear the complaint from young women that it is difficult to find good guys to date, and indeed, it is true.

However, if a young woman were to master dressing modestly yet not frumpily and to wear an apron while cooking in the kitchen, I have no doubt she would have at least a few quality suitors.

As a young man looking for a wife, I can say that finding such skill among today’s young women is rare indeed, even within traditional settings. If you are one of those few young women, your persistence and skill is appreciated, even if at a distance.

Laura writes:


I think most young women believe men admire feminist assertiveness and aren’t particularly interested in a woman in an apron. Or, that men like women who are assertive enough to make lots of money and who also wear aprons. 

Karen I. writes:

If you are looking for a prettier apron, this can be found for $19.95 plus shipping at the Victorian Trading Company: 


I own one of these. The fabric is thin but it holds up well, has a pocket and it provides a lot of coverage. 

This is another apron they carry: 


 Kendra writes:

Laura said:

I think most young women believe men admire feminist assertiveness and aren’t particularly interested in a woman in an apron. Or, that men like women who are assertive enough to make lots of money and who also wear aprons.

My husband loves it when I wear an apron in the kitchen! He actually said it makes him feel very happy inside. I feel that I walk differently when I am wearing an apron, and I think he treats me differently when I wear one.

My husband hates frumpy, puffy, ruffled, flowery, old-fashioned clothing on women, but does prefer that women dress modestly. I can wear a very fashionable modern outfit (which by choice is usually solid black), but when I put on my pretty sunflower apron, I can quickly ratchet up the femininity factor. I think there is something very right and good about aprons. A pretty apron is the uniform of a busy housewife, it projects femininity, and while wearing it, a woman can send a very comforting message to her husband and children.

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