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A Quote for the Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Quote for the Day

August 4, 2011


JEFF W. writes:

Your recent discussion on day care brought this quote to mind:

Pair marriage is monopolistic. It produces an exclusive family, and nourishes family pride and ambition…Pair marriage is also individualistic. It is the barrier against which all socialism breaks into dust. As the cost of a family increases, the connection between family and capital becomes more close and vital. Every socialist who can think is forced to go on to a war on marriage and the family, because he finds that in marriage and the family lie the strongholds of the ‘individualistic vices’ which he cannot overcome. He has to mask this battery, however, because he dare not openly put it forward.

From Folkways by William Graham Sumner (1906).

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