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“Angels Never Sung Across the Floor as We Walked By” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Angels Never Sung Across the Floor as We Walked By”

August 9, 2011


I CAME across this 2008 homemade video by an anonymous young black woman and, though I don’t agree with her understanding of the 60s, I was charmed by her simple and direct honesty. She is responding to a call by the radical Kamau Kabon for the extermination of white people. She thinks anti-white racism is a great evil and is enraged by it. To the general idea that blacks are morally superior to whites, she says, “Hate does exist in every race, not just the white man. Angels never sung across the floor as we walked by.”

“I pity you,” she says to Kabon, whom she calles “Hitler with [dread]locks.” “Spreading all that hate. You need help. You need counseling.”

By the way, Youtube does have policies on hate speech, but has not removed the version linked above of the Kamau Kabon speech.

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