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Anxiety and Weather « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anxiety and Weather

August 29, 2011


LIBERALISM is, in many ways, an expression of uncontrolled anxiety. Those who believe in human perfectibility are prone to fretfulness. If we control our circumstances, if we can master them through social engineering, then it follows that everything bad that happens is the occasion for intense worry and strategic planning.  

Therefore when a bad storm occurs, there is no sense of proportion, as is discussed here at VFR.


                                                             — Comments —

Alex writes from England:

To anyone puzzled by the current obsession with the weather – and especially the lack of a sense of proportion in media speculation about the perils of any imminent natural ‘calamity’ – your succinct commentary on Anxiety and Weather explains what’s at the root of this strange neurosis. Liberalism cannot abide the inherently unmanageable particulars of human existence.


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