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Australian Columnist Encounters Homosexual Bullies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Australian Columnist Encounters Homosexual Bullies

August 18, 2011


WRITING IN The Sidney Telegraph, Columnist Miranda Devine last week discussed the publicity surrounding Finance Minister Penny Wong’s lesbian partner, who is expecting a baby. Devine spoke in fairly mild terms, condemning a fatherless society and same-sex marriage. She wasn’t in the least critical of Wong herself.

In response, she was viciously harrassed and bullied by her critics. After a week in which she was called mentally ill and the newspaper was asked to fire her, she writes today, 

A cursory glance at these rage-flecked responses offers an insight into the illiberal mindset of those who pretend to demand tolerance.

Or rather ram it down our throats. This is not tolerance but jackboot totalitarianism, the tyranny of the minority.

Devine was stating a very obvious truth. No people on the face of the planet are more intolerant or filled with hatred for those who disagree with them than homosexual activists and their fellow travelers. They are bullies. They feel entitled to be bullies.

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