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Freedom Fighters in Philadelphia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Freedom Fighters in Philadelphia

August 1, 2011


ACCORDING TO  a black militant organization in Philadelphia, the flash mobs of violent black teenagers who have beaten and robbed whites in Center City are “freedom fighters.” As reported at VFR, the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement has called for $1.1 billion in reparations and for charges against any of the teenagers to be dropped. The UhuruNews writes:

These large groups of African youth are actually rising up, coming together to show their unity and resistance against a city that attacks African people.

The city “attacks” African people by not providing guaranteed jobs. Marauding teenagers are frustrated because they can’t work. On the other hand, the city’s employers are guilty too. The news service reports:

Parasites like Macy’s and the stores on South Street, the targets of the outrage, take resources from the African community everyday but they don’t do anything for the community. This blood sucking relationship is the real crime in Philadelphia.

                                                             — Comments —

Buck O. writes: 

I looked through the Uhuru site yesterday. Under the “Reparations” tab, there is a video of a talk by Chairman Omali Yeshitela at a Uhuru Solidarity Movement Event. He spins quite a passionate yarn to, what I assumed was a large and surely enthralled black audience. However, if you jump to just a few seconds before the 30:00 mark, he serves up the bottom line to his rant, and we get a view of the audience to which he is speaking.

Too strange.

Joe writes from Philadephia’s Main Line:

Does anyone care about “racism” anymore? The term was never effective on most Philadelphians and I think the same is true of northeasterners generally. 

None the less, some 600,000 Americans, almost all of them the literal, blood grandsons of the founding fathers and the generation of ’76, paid in blood for the remediation of American slavery. Northerners themselves spilled the blood of some 300,000 of their young men over the issue. 

Is this not sufficient? 

Philadelphia accepted their migrant great-grandparents as refugees of sorts over sixty years ago. And they’ve been expressing their gratitude ever since. Maybe it’s time for them to leave.


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