Her Flutes Went Up in Smoke
August 12, 2011
This, from my favorite classical-music CD review site, is a vignette of the aftermath of the Tottenham riots: “Our reviewer Carla Rees, flute player and artistic director of rarescale, recently lost her home in the London riots. She was burned out losing all her flutes, music and possessions as well as her two cats. She has nothing left and is having to live in a hotel. The company Just Flutes & Jonathan Myall Music [is] lending her instruments and music and have launched an appeal on her behalf. MusicWeb will be making a donation and would urge you all to do the same.” Meanwhile most of the rioters will go on receiving their social welfare payments, so that they can buy drugs, purchase more tattoos, live in council flats, pay for their Blackberry subscriptions, and otherwise exist parasitically on the talent and productivity of others.
Laura writes:
As David Cameron announced the other day, the British government will be compensating any losses not covered by insurance, which leaves British citizens with the obligation to pick up the tab. There is no reason for future rioters to worry that people like Carla Rees will be destitute. They can express themselves without remorse. Worse comes to worse, they will spend a few months in jail.