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Loving Sin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Loving Sin

August 9, 2011


ALAN ROEBUCK, in a “A Nation That Honors Sin,” an essay at Intellectual Conservative, argues that neither political action nor Christian evangelism are enough to counter the overwhelming success of liberalism in America. No society in history has institutionalized the approval of sin to the extent the modern West has. He argues that a focus on individual virtue at the expense of the proper ordering of society has rendered Christians ineffective.

Roebuck writes:

One obvious way the church could lead a cultural renewal is by teaching not just the Christian doctrine that is its primary teaching responsibility, but also principles of proper social order. … it is not enough to teach what is sinful for the individual to do. The order of society does not arise spontaneously from individuals practicing personal piety. Society’s laws, rules, customs, and traditions must also be made right by sociopolitical action, and the necessary foundation of a properly ordered society is a general belief among the population that society’s order ought to be proper. The people must believe, for example, not just that homosexuality is sinful, but also that law and custom must reflect this reality. They must believe not just that husbands ought to have primary authority in the home, but that society’s rules should honor this truth. The church must teach the necessity of a proper social order. 

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