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Testimonial of a Black Republican Woman « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Testimonial of a Black Republican Woman

August 1, 2011



I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and have found it to be very thought-provoking, and revealing of so many errors of our society. I often discuss your posts with my husband in the evenings. Thank you for your courage in upholding such “political incorrect” views.

A friend shared this link, and I wanted to pass it on to you, because I found it interesting. The author is a black woman who realized that she needed to re-examine a falsehood she had grown up believing, that “since I was black, that made me Democrat.”

Upon looking more closely at the party’s political agenda, she uncovered the truth: “Their socialist policies have managed to create a permanent underclass of poor blacks dependent on government programs and entitlements for survival. Their policies have done what 400 years of slavery couldn’t do; destroy the black family. The government has replaced the father in many poor black households by promising young mothers that they would provide for her and her children and pay her bills, as long as the father was not in the home. Their policies have discouraged work by providing greater benefits and incentives for staying home. Their policies have supported the genocide of black babies through the public funding of “murder on demand” corporations such as Planned Parenthood. Their policies have turned affirmative action into an unfair quota system that discriminates against white men and at the same time puts into question the qualifications and merit of accomplished blacks.”

Laura writes:

Thank you.

It’s interesting that Providence Crowder departs for a moment from talking about politics in terms of what’s good for blacks and mentions what’s good for whites. That’s very rare.

But it’s unlikely that anyone would object because she forms her views on the basis of what is good for blacks. Most people would think that’s normal and understandable. She cares about her own. In contrast, a white person who speaks in terms of what’s good for whites risks losing his job and is called a “white supremacist.”

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