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The Dishonest Daily Mail « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Dishonest Daily Mail

August 8, 2011


ALEX writes from England:

The disproportionate number of criminals in the ‘black communities’ is something that the gutless and dishonest British media never discusses or even admits in principle. But if there are degrees of dishonesty about the menace of hostile blacks, the Daily Mail is the most dishonest newspaper in Britain. It suppresses the truth and suggests falsehoods about race relations – especially in London – on a routine basis.

Sitting on the fence and lamenting the follies below is a timid position to take. However, the Daily Mail contrives to be on both sides of the fence at the same time. Its coverage of the Tottenham riot is a classic bit of Mail reporting. The reader’s indignation is whipped up with sensational accounts written in lurid and very short peppy paragraphs. Yet at the same time, it implies that the blacks are ‘justified’ in rioting and looting, and that ‘police harassment’ is to blame for the whole thing. There is a surfeit of craven commentary but no analysis.

Melanie Philips and Peter Hitchens occasionally write for the Daily Mail. They should be regarded as house-trained conservatives who will never step over the editorial line when it would be considered ‘racist’ to do so.

I suppose if an American wants to feel the pulse of British life by noting what its mass media have to say, then the Daily Mail is a reliable indicator of the pusillanimous and disastrous state we’re in.

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