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Canoe and You « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Canoe and You

September 6, 2011


Two Men in a Canoe, Winslow Homer (1895)

Two Men in a Canoe, Winslow Homer (1895)

A FAN writes:

My housewife (of 50 years now) and I love paddling a canoe. That painting by Winslow Homer of a tandem canoe underway in serious water is something that has special meaning to us.

Few things compare with the cooperation, teamwork, and occasional skill required to negotiate treacherous waters in those unique watercraft. Wilderness canoeing is a beautiful way to “recreate,” to see God’s handiwork up close, and to “iron out the wrinkles in your soul.” The experience is a lot like life’s journey. It helps you learn to trust and to depend on each other. 

Another sport that somewhat compares to it would be tournament doubles tennis with your spouse as partner. Things can get serious there also! It will show you where your weaknesses are. You need to be well married to do either successfuly and if you have married “the wrong one?” Either of these two pastimes will probably be a good indicator.

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