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Catholic German Bishop Welcomes Mosques « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Catholic German Bishop Welcomes Mosques

September 18, 2011


DAN, in a note to Lawrence Auster, writes:

To see how far suicidal liberalism has crept into the clerical establishment of the Catholic Church one only need to review the recent statements of a German bishop praising the construction of mosques in Germany:

The Hamburg auxiliary bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke has called for the construction of new mosques in Germany. At the same time he called on Christians symbolically to support the opening of such buildings. “I think that it is conceivable that Christians will give Muslims presents at the opening of a new mosque — as a sign of sympathy, good neighbourliness and religious solidarity,” said the spokesperson for the German Bishop’s conference for interfaith dialogue as reported in Hamburg’s daily paper, Die Welt.

The Muslims have never shared any sympathy or solidarity with Christians. The good bishop need only look at the sad state of Christians in Iraq and Egypt who see their churches burned and bombed, priests and bishops assassinated, and laymen kidnapped and murdered. The only thing the bishop can expect from Muslims in Germany is more jihad terrorism and a further demand for the implementation of shariah law, which is in no way conducive to the survival of the Church.

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