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Chaz as Baby Girl « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chaz as Baby Girl

September 15, 2011



The Chastity/Chaz Bono topic has a personal resonance with me. Decades ago, I was a grocery-store worker in Malibu, where I grew up. Occasionally my boss asked me to deliver groceries to celebrities who did not want to be bothered by fans and preferred not to come into the supermarket. One of them was Cher, who used to answer the door with her toddler-daughter in hand. The distance between that distinctly female toddler-daughter and the hulking weird pseudo-male of today is one measure of how utterly perverse the project called postmodernism really is.

Laura writes:

Chastity has enacted the ultimate revenge upon her Mother. Cher is also the product of engineering.

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