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Crusoe Found « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Crusoe Found

September 28, 2011


Crusoe by N.C. Wyeth

Crusoe by N.C. Wyeth

[T]he Captain had brought the Pinnace in near the Place where I at first landed my Rafts, and so landed just at my Door. I was at first ready to sink down with the Surprize. For I saw my Deliverance indeed visibly put into my Hands, all things easy, and a large Ship just ready to carry me away whither I pleased to go. At first, for some time, I was not able to answer him one Word; but as he had taken me in his Arms, I held fast by him, or I should have fallen to the Ground.

                                             — Robinson Crusoe, Daniel DeFoe, (Chapt. 27)

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