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Disgusted with the Shallowness of Facebook « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Disgusted with the Shallowness of Facebook

September 29, 2011


KAREN I. writes:

I quit Facebook after going to an old friend’s Facebook page and finding a death announcement. The family had posted a childhood picture of the deceased individual, with graphics of glittery stars around it. Along the top of the photo was “R.I.P.” I was stunned at the news and absolutely disgusted at the way it was announced. I deleted my account after that because I never want to learn awful news that way again. I still get upset thinking about it. 

When I did have a Facebook page, I learned from an acquaintance that a former teacher of one of my children mentioned that she had looked my page a few times. My child had not been a student of hers for years and she had no good reason for being on my Facebook page. It was creepy.


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