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Equality Equals Social Stagnation « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Equality Equals Social Stagnation

September 13, 2011


WHAT nation has the most egalitarian workforce, with the least occupational segregation of men and women? Is it one of the many countries that have tried to accomodate mothers in the workforce with family-friendly policies, such as paid parental leave? Is it Sweden or Norway with their enlightened equality policies?

No, it is China.

The most egalitarian workforce exists in the country that is the least family friendly.

Which is the country with the lowest pay gap between men and women? Is it the United States or another developed nation, where feminists and politicians have pursued the goal of equal pay for years? No, it is Swaziland, with Sri Lanka a close second.

These, and other interesting facts about the failure of feminist social engineering to equalize work roles, are contained in the sociologist Catherine Hakim’s report “Feminist Myths and Magic Medicine: The flawed thinking behind calls for further equality legislation.”

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