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Irish Farmer Encounters Raunchy Rihanna « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Irish Farmer Encounters Raunchy Rihanna

September 28, 2011



N.W. writes:

Mr. Alan Graham of the County Down has made my day. The old fellow threw Rihanna and her production crew off of his land after he saw the singer prancing around topless in one of his barley fields. While Mr. Graham had given them permission to use his land, he did not know who Rihanna was, or what kind of video she would be shooting.

Rihanna looks ridiculous in her denim bikini top skirt/overalls strutting around Belfast. This farm chic look slap-dashed together by some queer fashionista reminds me of the I Love Lucy episode in which Lucy and Ethel dress up in a couple of burlap sacks. I am amazed at how brutal and garish women look in denim rags. Star of the County Down she isn’t.



                                                                       — Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Well, the old boy ain’t alone. I never heard of Rihanna, either. But judging by all those photos, she is just another silly little sow being manipulated by her betters.

Laura writes:


You must be joking.

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