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Liberalism’s Factory of Delusions « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Liberalism’s Factory of Delusions

September 22, 2011



On “Chaz” Bono, Brittany writes: “You have to understand, people like Chaz Bono really believe that they are the opposite sex.” The forthright response to this rationalization is, so what? Liberalism is, among other obnoxious things, the triumph of the subjective (let us say, of the mediated subjective) – of the claim that I declare A, B, C, or myself to be this, that, or another thing – over reality. People like “Chaz” Bono and “his” rationalizers need to understand that a stable, healthy society can only be established on objective facts, and never on purely and dubiously subjective dispositions and indispositions. Some things are objectively so odd and offensive that they make themselves intolerable to a necessary norm. Sharp chastisement of them then becomes an obligation. 

Permit me to take my phrase “mediated subjectivity” out of parentheses. Did “Chaz” independently conceive the idea that “he” was a man “trapped in a woman’s body,” or did a series of cynical and perhaps deluded counselors – and various TV shows and movies – suggest the scenario? How much in consultation-fees did the counselors earn? What profit did the surgeon make for mutilating and medicating the patient? Most of the subjective whims that liberalism celebrates as expressions of original desire or independent decision-making are suspiciously stereotypical; we can trace them to recent phases of a corrupt popular culture. The fostering of fake subjectivity is an industrial concern under liberalism.

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