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Megyn Accuses Normal People of Hate, Hate, Hate « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Megyn Accuses Normal People of Hate, Hate, Hate

September 14, 2011


A READER, Joe, sent this note today to Megyn Kelly of FoxNews:

At lunch, I got bored watching CNBC and Fox Business so I flipped the news channels to your program. Your interaction with [Dr. Keith] Ablow was astounding. Mind blowing. 

You militantly argued with him, invoking that damnable “hater” terminology of the Bolsheviks, about Chastity Bono and (her) appearance on some dancing program. 

Approximation: “There is no evidence watching Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars or watching Will & Grace will turn a child into a homosexual. Stop the hate!” …

Let me tell you something on behalf of the fathers of America: 

I didn’t commit to decades of my life and all my hopes and dreams for the future and the continuation of my line so that some … malcontent can “turn gay” or mutilate himself because of social propagandists like you. 

Oh and I have news for that pretty little but empty head of yours:

Male and female **are ** a matter of immutable genes. XX  = female. XY = male. “Chaz” Bono is a mutilated female and you are a… contemptible liar for pretending otherwise.


                                        — Comments —

Zoe writes:

A 46,XY mother who developed as a normal woman underwent spontaneous puberty, reached menarche, menstruated regularly, experienced two unassisted pregnancies, and gave birth to a 46,XY daughter with complete gonadal dysgenesis. — J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan;93(1):182-9.

Why is biology taught so poorly in U.S. schools? Why do so many believe that “XY is male, XX is female, end statement” when 1 in 300 men aren’t XY?

Laura writes:

Well, if schools are teaching that male and female are not genetically determined than we have a more serious problem than I imagined. The existence of genetic mutations does not change this biological reality. Chastity Bono does not have a genetic abnormality. She had her breasts cut off and has taken massive doses of hormones precisely because she was genetically female. The cause of transgenderism is not aimed at mutants.

Joe writes:

Yes, as a narrowly scientific matter of trivial interest, bizarre mutations and unexpected complexities exist and occur all the time. But only in the mind of a 19-year-old student do such anomalies pose a crisis to order and sanity, thus the appellation “sophomoric” meaning “wise-dumb,” or an accurate description of the half-trained student who “does not yet know that he does not know what he does not know,” (i.e., ignorant and learning, but not yet learned).

This is no trivial matter confined to simpleminded peasants. Grown adults, often as not in positions of authority, exhibit this wise-dumb thinking with disastrous consequences to our society.

Chastity Bono is no genetic mutation. However, let us for purposes of argument stipulate Zoe’s pedantic assertion, hypothetically. So what? Deliberate mutilation is repugnant to the civilized mind while narcissistic selfishness, embodied by Chastity Bono, is a social evil itself with far greater harm to us all than “hurt feelings” or “exclusion.”

It is long past time for us to stop indulging such foolishness as Zoe’s. It is a waste of breath – and precious time – to argue with her. The correct and only response must be akin to, “If I wanted your opinion I would have asked you in the first place.” Time to put these fools in their place – and out of all authority and influence while we can.

John E. writes:

What do you do with such accusations as Ms. Kelly’s, which occur with frequency in our day against anyone who suggests that a humane response to those practicing deviant and self-destructive behavior, is to quit that behavior, or at the very least, not to promote it? This is a thoughtful and reasonable response, yet the “hater” accusations of the Megyn’s of the world kill thought with a single touch, even the simple thought that is required to come to such an obvious answer.

I do not know what to do with Ms. Kelly’s mode of thinking, except to consider it as belonging in Chesterton’s wastebucket of “thought that stops thought…the only thought that ought to be stopped.”

Laura writes:

I think you suggest the answer. Keith Ablow gave excellent responses. He also could have said, “Your insensitivity is stunning. I am apalled at your disregard for children. Do they have any claim on your attention at all? Or do you think you can continue this endless power trip against them?”

The accuser of insensitivity needs to see her callousness. 

Texanne writes:

If everything now is “normal,” then nothing can be abnormal. How can anything be an anomaly? Maybe the term “genetic mutation” is no longer permitted.

Laura writes:

I recommend the full exchange between Kelly and Ablow. He states the case for why Bono should not be on TV very clearly and calmly.

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