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One More Example of How Homosexuals Bully America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One More Example of How Homosexuals Bully America

September 13, 2011



THIS boy is one of six students listed as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against a Minnesota school district accused of a dismissive attitude toward “antigay bullying.” The Anoka-Hennepin school district, the largest in the state, refuses to teach “sexual diversity” to its students. The lawsuit, brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, aims to reverse the district’s stance of neutrality and force it to join other districts in promoting the idea that homosexuality is unavoidable and acceptable.

School officials suggested the 14-year-old student change out of his glittery, effeminate scarves to avoid being teased and taunted. The school district demonstrated concern about his safety. This commonsense advice was potentially harmful, claims the suit.

Judging from this photo in The New York Times, and the simple fact that his mother even agreed to this publicity, I would say the biggest problem in this boy’s life is not at school. She’s standing right behind him.


                                                  — Comments —

Michael S. writes:

Sorry, but a fourteen-year-old boy who wears glittery scarves to school is pathetic. Having been fourteen, I am sure he is doing the best that he knows how to do. His mother, on the other hand, will have a lot to answer for. And his father? Hello?

There was a flamboyantly gay boy/young man in my high school class. He was very active in the chorus and drama programs. He definitely had his own social niche where he was accepted and, dare I say — insofar as high school students are capable of such a thing — loved.

He’s dead now. Suicide.

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