Remembering 9-11
September 11, 2011
“WE WILL NEVER FORGET” is both a beautiful and an ugly phrase. We should embrace it and utterly reject it.
“We will never forget” is beautiful in the sense that we will never forget those who died on 9-11 or the heroes of that day and its immediate aftermath. And, we will never forget the suffering of their survivors. I will never forget, and could never forget, the horror of that morning.
“We will never forget” is beautiful in the sense that it calls on us to remember the truth, specifically the truth revealed to us again on September 11. Islam is a false and dangerous faith. It threatens to destroy us. If we honor the dead, we will not just realize this truth in words, but act upon it and take it seriously. Otherwise, we are traitors to those who have died, as well as the many thousands of others who have suffered at the hands of Islam. Islam is not a religion of peace, but a false faith and political ideology. It has no place in the West, which will either separate itself from Islam’s adherents or commit suicide.
The choice is stark: We either accommodate Islam or resist it.
This truth is noble. But “we will never forget” also has a dangerous and ignoble connotation. It suggests that we may never forgive.
Justice is not the same as revenge. Remembering the dead is not the same as hating those who killed them or those who believe a false and violent creed. “We will never forget” is right. “We will never forgive” is wrong.
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— Comments —
Dan writes:
Your comments about justice versus revenge and the need to forgive in regards to 9-11 is a theme addressed by Fr. Robert Barron in his video commentary for the week (video here).