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The Census Bureau Innocently Overestimates the Number of Homosexual “Marriages” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Census Bureau Innocently Overestimates the Number of Homosexual “Marriages”

September 28, 2011


THOUGH the federal government does not officially recognize the fraudulent institution of same-sex “marriage,” a major federal agency does. The Census Bureau issued revised 2010 figures yesterday for the number of same-sex couples, which it derives from respondents who say they are “married” to a member of the household of the same sex.

Earlier this year, the Bureau announced that there were some 349,377 same-sex “married” couples. It has since acknowledged that it had used a flawed model, and had greatly overestimated the number. It now says there were less than one half that number in 2010, or 131,729 couples. The Census staff discovered the “inconsistency” in its estimates this summer.

“We understand how important it is for all groups to have accurate statistics that reflect who we are as a nation,” said Census Bureau Director Robert Groves. “As scientists, we noticed the inconsistency and developed the revised estimates to provide a more accurate portrait of the number of same-sex couples. We’re providing all three – the revised, original and ACS estimates – together to provide users with the full, transparent picture of our current measurement of same-sex couples.” [emphases added]

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